"Reaction to Rep. Tom DeLay's announcement Saturday that he will abandon his bid to reclaim his post as majority leader: "We respect Congressman DeLay's decision to put the interests of the American people, the House of Representatives and the Republican Party first." - White House spokeswoman Erin Healy. "For years, at the expense of the American people, the House Republicans have enabled and benefited from the Republican culture of corruption engineered by Tom DeLay. The culture of corruption is so pervasive in the Republican conference that a single person stepping down is not nearly enough to clean up the Republican Congress." - House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi of California. "My belief is that Tom will eventually be cleared and exonerated, and my hope is that our conference will one day again benefit from Tom's rare commitment to the principles of smaller government and freedom for which all Republicans fight." - Rep. John Boehner, R-Ohio, who is considered likely to seek the job of majority leader. "My good friend Tom DeLay has made a very difficult decision. ... It is my firm belief that he will beat these baseless charges and will continue to be a strong, effective and committed leader in our efforts to protect our country, limit the scope of government, and win the battle of ideas. ... I know Tom's legacy as one of the most effective Republican leaders in history is assured." - Rep. Roy Blunt, R-Mo, the GOP whip who temporarily has filled in for DeLay and is likely to run for the job. "I look forward to the democratic process of choosing a new majority leader who will ensure that integrity, honesty, and ethical accountability are central tenants of government operations in Washington." - Rep. Charlie Bass, R-N.H., one of the leaders of the effort to have a new election for majority leader. "We don't just need new leaders, we need a course correction. This is deeper than just who stands at the head of the party. We have created a system here ...that just breeds corruption. ... We just cannot continue with this trend." - Rep. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., who worked with Bass on pressing for a new election. "I applaud his decision. It's a good decision. When we return in January, I look forward to a newly elected leadership team." - Rep. Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va. "
My reaction....YEEEEEEEEEEHAW! Time to break out those DDT sprayers and git back
to what you wuz born to do Tommy Boy...kill them cockroaches.
Well..the story has gone full circle. He flunked too bad to go to med school...and finally
fell into the bug killin' bidness..rose to the heights as the head of the feces pile they call the NeoCon jobs, and now..back to crawling in the dirt with the chiggers and silverfish.
Karma's a bitch ain't it Tommy!