The Story of a Bug Exterminator from Texas: DeLay's really pathetic lie

Monday, May 30, 2005

DeLay's really pathetic lie

News Feature
"DeLay's really pathetic lie

Sat May 28th, 2005 at 09:38:59 AM ET

MACON,GA.-Kos- Judge rules that TRMPAC violated state election laws. A state judge ruled Thursday that the treasurer of a political fundraising committee organized by House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Tex.) violated the state's election law by failing to report $684,507 in contributions from corporations and other donors in 2002.The civil court decision is the first to uphold a complaint by Democrats about the way DeLay and his advisers financed a 2002 political victory in Texas, which ultimately helped cement Republican control of the U.S. House of Representatives.

DeLay claims innocense.

DeLay, asked by a reporter for CNN if the ruling had implications for him, responded: "Not for me. I'm not part of it."


· DeLay served as a creator, advisor, and fundraiser for TRMPAC. Who said this? None other than Tom DeLay. In fact, according to a report, which ran in the Austin American Statesman on March 10, 2005 - DeLay said that it was his idea to create TRMPAC. Laylan Copelin wrote that report.

· When TRMPAC announced its existence it prominently publicized Tom DeLay as one its key leaders. It's own FAQ clearly indicated Tom DeLay was leading this PAC.

· DeLay's name appeared all over on TRMPAC stationary and promotional materials. Here is a copy of that TRMPAC luncheon flyer prominently featuring the name of Tom DeLay. Here is another sample. Click on the image to see the entire PDF doc:

· TRMPAC records show DeLay was on a conference call of the group's finance committee. Here is a copy of a memo scheduling a conference call connecting DeLay with the TRMPAC finance committee.

· DeLay did fundraising for TRMPAC. Here is a memo from Warren RoBold, a fundraiser for TRMPAC, discussing DeLays role in calling large donors.

The noose is closing around DeLay.


The Unauthorized Biography of Dick Cheney


by Direwolf

Fri May 27th, 2005 at 08:46:02 PDT

A buddy of mine is currently vacationing in Canada and came across a TV show that was quite critical of Cheney. He sent me a link this website that provides a blow by blow.

It appears this show first aired just prior to the 2004 election and was re-run this week. It also appears this show aired on CBC, which I believe is a major and legimate national news network.

As an aside, I beleive CBC is the quarterback of Newsworld Intl, an excellent network for intl news on channel 366 of DirecTV.

As my buddy noted, you would never see anything like this on any US television network. Furthermore, if they will show something like this in Canada, an ally, imagine how Cheney et al must be viewed in the rest of the world. "


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