The Story of a Bug Exterminator from Texas: Steve Roberts: DeLay Deserves Jail

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Steve Roberts: DeLay Deserves Jail

In yet another sign that mainstream media bias has spun wildly out of control, veteran reporter Steve Roberts blasted House Majority Leader Tom DeLay on Monday, saying he agreed with DNC chairman Howard Dean that the top Republican deserves to go to jail.

Asked if Dean had "gone overboard" yesterday by calling for DeLay's immediate imprisonment while insisting that Osama bin Laden get a fair trial, Roberts told WABC Radio's "Curtis & Kuby":

"I don't think you can go overboard when it comes to Tom DeLay. ... I think almost anything you say about Tom DeLay is justified."
Roberts continued, "I wouldn't say that about any other Republican, but I'd say it about Tom DeLay."

Astounded by Roberts' statement, Curtis Sliwa pressed: "You think when it comes to Tom DeLay, [pronouncing a jail sentence for him] is OK - but not [for] Osama bin Laden?"

Roberts admitted: "I was being a little flip, there. ... If [DeLay is] charged with a crime, he deserves a fair trial."

But then the U.S. News & World Report contributing editor added, "I think that DeLay is a bad guy," complaining that he had "tried to destroy the ethics process" and "tried to silence Democrats."

"This is a bad guy who does not understand democracy," Roberts insisted. "Anything political you can say about Tom DeLay - in terms of the virulently negative impact he's had on the culture of Washington - that's true."

Even GOP-basher Ron Kuby was taken aback by Roberts' comments, coaxing the U.S. News scribe to "agree with me that before we move on to punishment for a malefactor, we should have a trial."

Roberts responded: "Legally - absolutely. But politically, Tom DeLay deserves anything he gets. The single most destructive force in American politics today is Tom DeLay."

AMEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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